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3 Goal Motivation Tips

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3 Goal Motivation Tips

3 goal motivation tips blog post

by MSE Staff | Published 22 Mar 2022 

You are sitting at your desk feeling determined as you draft out your SMART goal. You tuck a copy of your goal away into your wallet for safe keeping and turn in for the night. The next few days are fairly easy for you. You stick to the plan. The future you envisioned is clear in your mind. A few weeks later some novel chaos enters your life; it consumes your full attention as your SMART goal begins to fade. A few months have come and gone, and you are no longer taking steps to manifest your SMART goal. We have all had this experience at least once in life. Fortunately, there are steps that we can take to improve our consistency so that we can bring about the change that we desire in our lives. In this blog post, we will cover 3 goal motivation tips that will help you be more consistent.

Goal Motivation Tip #1 – Focus

Everyone knows that emotions and social situations change all the time. You may be excited about your goal during the afternoon but not so much at 3AM. You might be excited to stop spending your retirement savings on convenience items when your friends are not around but not so much when they are watching. Things change but you need to be consistent to make your vision a reality. One step that you can take is to practice reviewing your vision and SMART goal during times of change. By focusing on manifesting your vision during the worst of times and the best of times you can condition yourself to be aware of your SMART goal even when things change. Keeping your awareness and focus centered on your SMART goal is a skill that needs to be developed. If you can do this, nothing will derail you from your vision.

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Goal Motivation Tip #2 – Temptation

All to often we are tempted to do something that prevents us from reaching our goal. This is certainly true when starting out. For example, someone who is working through emotional spending challenges may be tempted to spend all their money when they feel inadequate. This person’s goal to decouple their self-esteem from their wallet and improve their self-esteem can easily be undone by the people in their lives as well as technology – it is far to easy to buy things online if you are not careful. The path of change requires a different route. That means removing the things that trigger us to act out our past behaviors. For the person in our example, spending less time with people who make them feel inadequate and avoiding places where they would spend all their money can support the path to change. Avoiding temptation will help you be consistent with your SMART goal.

Goal Motivation Tip #3 – Patience

More often than not, financial goals are a marathon not a sprint. We experience moments of consistency as well as moments of inconsistency. For example, someone may be working towards making their first $1 million. The path to get there may not be a straight one; but if they are serious, they will take the necessary steps. Having a realistic perception of what to expect can truly boost your moral. You would not say, “I will make $1 million today” and expect to have it tomorrow with all certainty and no action. If you did, you would be disappointed for all the wrong reasons. Instead, be patient and live in the moment. That means today you took another step, and you are pleased because it was in the direction you want to go. With each day, your self-esteem will increase. Your awareness of change will increase, and you can feel better about the progress you make in your SMART goal.

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Final Thoughts

Staying motivated to achieve your SMART goal is important. You want to feel good about the choices you make every day and when you do not make progress on your goals that is a problem. Just remember to keep your vision and SMART goal in front of you so that you can be consistent even when your emotions are not. Avoid the things that tempt you and prevent you from reaching your goal. If it gets you to do the opposite of what you want, it is time to turn it off. Turn on the things that keep you focused on your goal instead. Lastly, be patient, be honest with yourself, and focus on today. You cannot change yesterday. You cannot change tomorrow. But you can change today. If you had a setback yesterday, let it go and focus on being consistent with your SMART goal today. We hope these three goal motivation tips were helpful to you. If you have any goals that you would like to see progress in, schedule a virtual coffee with Financial Educator and Wealth Mentor, Curtis Banks.

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Start Creating Wealth with Curtis Banks

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You have a right to Pursue financial Success, Build generational wealth, and have financial peace and joy!

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Curtis Banks, Your Wealth Mentor™

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5 Ways to Keep Learning After Taking a Personal Finance Class

5 Ways to Keep Learning After Taking a Personal Finance Class

5 Ways to Keep Learning After Taking a Personal Finance Class

5 Ways to Keep Learning After Taking a Personal Finance Class

by MSE Staff | Published 6 Feb 2022 

When you take a personal finance class, you gain a lot of knowledge about financial planning and money management. However, learning doesn't stop there! There are many ways for you to continue learning about personal finance after taking a class. In this blog post, we will discuss five of them. Keep reading to learn more!

Read Books That Further Your Curiosity About Personal Finance

One great way to continue learning about personal finance is by reading books on the topic. There are many different personal finance books out there, and each one offers something unique. If you have a specific interest in personal finance, such as developing stock analysis skills or building good credit, then find a book that focuses on that particular topic. By reading books on personal finance, you'll be able to gain a more in-depth understanding of the topic.

Join A Group That Focuses on Honing Personal Finance Skills

Another way to continue learning about personal finance is by joining a personal finance group. You can find personal finance groups on Facebook or in your local community. These groups allow you to ask questions and get answers from other people who are interested in personal finance topics like money allocation, wealth protection, debt reduction, and focusing on goals to name a few. By participating in well-moderated and focused groups with other people, you'll be able to learn new things and get tips on how to improve your personal finance skills.

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Attend Webinars or Watch Online Tutorials

If you're looking for personal finance resources that are bite-sized and easy to consume, then consider attending webinars or watching personal finance tutorials online. Webinars and personal finance tutorials can be found on YouTube, Udemy, Skillshare, LinkedIn Learning, or many other platforms dedicated solely to personal education topics like managing your personal accounts. Many personal finance webinars and tutorials are free, or you can pay a small fee to access them.

Talk to a Personal Finance Coach

If you want to take your personal finance education to the next level, consider talking to a certified personal finance coach. A certified personal finance coach can help you create and achieve financial goals, develop a budget that works for you, and learn how to save money. Personal finance coaches come from many different backgrounds - some are CPAs, others are personal investors, and many more have personal finance degrees. Certified personal finance coaches are also available online, so you can find one that fits your needs no matter where you live or work!

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Take Another Personal Finance Class!

The best way to continue learning about personal finance is by taking a follow-up personal finance class. This time, try to find one that is more specific to what you want to learn. For example, if you're interested in real estate investing, then look for a personal finance class that focuses on that topic. By taking multiple personal finance classes, you'll be able to gain a more well-rounded understanding of the topic and learn about different aspects of personal finance.

Final Thoughts

Learning personal finance is an ongoing process. Even when you've taken a personal finance class, there will always be more to learn and new ways for you to improve your financial literacy! Keep learning by reading personal finance books, joining personal finance groups online or in person, attending webinars and tutorials on the topic, talking with a personal finance coach, and taking additional personal finance classes. These are all great ways to continue honing your personal finance skills so you can be successful in managing your money now and in the future!

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Start Creating Wealth with Curtis Banks

Book a free discovery session with personal finance coach Curtis Banks and unlock your path to build wealth.

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You have a right to Pursue financial Success, Build generational wealth, and have financial peace and joy!

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Curtis Banks, Your Wealth Mentor™

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Take Ownership of Your Personal Finances: 7 Ways to Get Started

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Take Ownership of Your Personal Finances: 7 Ways to Get Started

7 ways to take control of your finances

by MSE Staff | Published 30 Jan 2022 

Are you tired of feeling out of control when it comes to your finances? Are you ready to take charge and get your money matters under control? If so, you're in luck! In this blog post, we will discuss seven ways that you can get started on the path to financial independence. It doesn't matter where you are starting from - everyone has the opportunity to improve their financial situation. So, what are you waiting for? Get started today!

Take A Holistic Approach to Finance

One of the most important things you can do when it comes to your finances is to take a holistic approach. This means that you should look at all aspects of your financial life and work on improving them one by one. For example, your family and friends will have a significant impact on your willingness to take control of your finances. Enlisting your family and friends to help you reach your financial goals is a great way to encourage accountability and ultimately take control of your finances.

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Start With Your Spending Habits

One of the best ways to take control of your finances is to start with your spending habits. Take a close look at where you are spending your money and see if there are any areas where you can cut back. For example, could you live without cable TV? Or, maybe you could save money on groceries by cooking at home more often.

It's important to be honest with yourself when it comes to your spending habits. If you want to get your finances in order, you need to be willing to make some changes - even if they are difficult ones.

Make A Money Allocation and Stick to It

Another great way to take control of your finances is to make a money allocation and stick to it. This may seem like a daunting task, but it's actually not as difficult as you might think. In fact, there are plenty of online tools and apps that can help you get started.

 A money allocation will help you keep track of your spending and make sure that you're staying on track financially. It also helps to prevent impulse purchases and overspending. So, if you're looking for a way to get your financial life under control, start by making a money allocation!

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Get Organized

One of the best ways to take control of your finances is to get organized. This means having a system for managing your time and focus. Many times, we fail to make progress in the areas we want to grow because we're being pulled in too many directions. By being organized, you'll be able to keep track of your progress and make sure that you are on track in life and financially.

There are many different ways to get organized when it comes to your time and focus - find one that works best for you and stick with it. You may want to try using the Daily Life Balance Dashboard which you can request during a virtual coffee with Curtis Banks.

Understand Your Debt Situation

If you want to get your finances in order, it's important to understand your debt situation. This means knowing how much debt you have, what the interest rates are, and what your monthly payments are.

By understanding your debt situation, you'll be able to develop a plan for getting out of debt. You may want to consider consolidating your debts or enrolling in a Debt Management Plan. Whatever route you choose, make sure that you create a plan and stick to it!

Create Goals and Track Progress

One of the best ways to stay motivated when it comes to finance is to create goals and track your progress. This means setting goals for both short-term and long-term financial success. For example, some short-term goals might be to save $100 in the next month or to pay off a small credit card balance. Long-term goals could include saving for retirement or buying a house.

By tracking your progress, you'll be able to see how far you've come and stay motivated to continue working on your finances. There are many different ways to track your progress - you can use the Money Smart Dashboards, a goal tracker app, or even just a simple notebook.

Invest In Yourself

One of the best ways to take control of your finances is to invest in yourself. This means taking the time to learn about personal finance and money management. There are many different resources available, both online and offline.

By investing in yourself, you'll be able to better manage your money and make sound financial decisions. You'll also be more prepared for any unexpected financial emergencies that may occur.

So, there you have it! Seven easy ways to take control of your personal finance situation. These tips will help get you started on the road to financial success. So, what are you waiting for? Get started today!

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Start Creating Wealth with Curtis Banks

Book a free discovery session with personal finance coach Curtis Banks and unlock your path to build wealth.

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You have a right to Pursue financial Success, Build generational wealth, and have financial peace and joy!

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Curtis Banks, Your Wealth Mentor™

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Build Wealth by Overcoming These 4 Hazardous Financial Traits

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Build Wealth by Overcoming These 4 Hazardous Financial Traits

Build Wealth by overcoming these 4 hazardous financial traits

by MSE Staff | Published 3 Nov 2021 

It's no secret that saving money is important. Many people struggle to make saving a habit, but it doesn't have to be hard. In this blog post we will discuss 4 financial traits you should break and solutions for how to stop them from affecting how you build wealth.

Financial Habit 1: Money Avoidance

Some people believe that money is bad. If you've ever heard that the love of money is the root of all evil. This is a belief that motivates people to get rid their money by any means necessary! If you or a role model have ever gone through a nightmare experience involving money, it's easy to say money is bad and call it quits. Money can be a very emotional subject for some people, and they avoid handling it as much as possible.

Money Avoidance Example: You work hard to earn an income but never saving any portion of it.

Financial Habit Solution: Money avoidance is a tough habit to break, but it can be done. The first step you need to take is accepting that it is okay for you to have money. Once this idea has been internalized saving and spending will become easier for you. You also should consider how much better the lives of those around you could be if you had more wealth. Think of all the positive things that you could do with your money if you just made a few changes.

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Financial Habit 2: Money Status

At some point most people will acknowledge that there is some connection between financial achievement and the value of your possessions. Sadly, this is left up to interpretation where many fall for the rich lifestyle trap. This is a belief where your self-worth is driven by the perceived value of your possessions. You or an influential   role model may have found the social engagement they desire by acquiring expensive things.

Money Status Example: You spend money in order to impress others.

Financial Habit Solution: Money status is a hard habit for many people with low self-esteem to break because they believe that their possessions reflect who they are as a person. Or they may seek out rewarding social interactions that occur after buying expensive things. If you want to stop this financial habit you need to determine your true value and focus on building yourself up rather than buying things to impress others. Look for other ways to achieve those rewarding social interactions that are not harmful. Make a list of ways that you can nurture relationships without buying expensive things.

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Financial Trait 3: Money Worship

Some people view money as a fix-all for everything in life. A money worshipper's initial response for missing their daughter's soft-ball game is to throw money at her. They end up using money as a barrier between themselves and the rest of the world. Money worshippers think that money is the answer to every question and use it as a tool for avoiding personal responsibility.

Money Worshipper Example: You spend your life chasing more and more wealth, believing you will finally be happy when you get there.

Financial Trait Solution: How do we break this bad habit? Money worshipers need to see money as a tool rather than an end goal. Money will not solve all of your problems and you can't buy the happiness of those around you. Write down ten ways that you can participate in social and life events without using money to move things along. In what ways do they keep you more connected with the world around you? Look for opportunities to take a break from chasing money, focus on being present, and find happiness in the moment.

Financial Trait 4: Money Vigilance

Being frugal, saving, and keeping hush-hush about your money seems like a great idea until it becomes harmful. Money vigilance can result in missing out on opportunities to invest because of a desire to avoid loss. In its more extreme cases, someone who is overly vigilant can damage their relationships in favor of keeping their money hidden away.

Money Vigilance Example: You hoard your money and avoid taking investment risks or consulting a team of financial advisors.

Financial Trait Solution: First, you need to break free of the fear that has shackled you to your money. You may have witnessed or experienced a traumatic life event that led you down the path of money vigilance. It can be difficult to build trust and confidence in a world of uncertainty. Working with a certified personal finance coach or mentor can be a great first step. You don't have to choose between money and having meaningful relationships. And there are financial opportunities that can suit your risk tolerance, but you have to talk to qualified experts to find them!

Finances are a part of life. However, some people have displayed certain traits that can inhibit them from achieving their financial goals. These four habits include saving money but only for the sake of saving it rather than using it to improve your future, being so focused on status symbols instead of personal development and relationships, viewing money as an all-encompassing solution to life's problems, and hoarding money out of fear. By using these tips, you can break the four habits so that you can build wealth.

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Start Creating Wealth with Curtis Banks

Book a free discovery session with personal finance coach Curtis Banks and unlock your path to build wealth.

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You have a right to Pursue financial Success, Build generational wealth, and have financial peace and joy!

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Curtis Banks, Your Wealth Mentor™

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10 Financial Rules to Live by and Ideas on How to Save Money

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10 Financial Rules to Live by and Ideas on How to Save Money

10 Financial Rules to Live by and Ideas on How to Save Money (Blog Banner)

by MSE Staff | Published 22 Aug 2021 (Updated 2 Nov 2021)

Saving money is not always easy. But there are many ideas that can help you save more and have a better financial future. Learn about 10 financial rules to live by, ideas on how to save money, and ideas for making your savings grow faster in this Money Smart list!

Have a Plan for Your Money

What is your life plan? Do you know what you want to be doing 1 year from now? How about 5 years and even 10 years from now? You have expectations for your life, so it makes sense to have expectations for your money. This is because your money supports the things you expect to do and have in life. Do you plan on paying off your mortgage in 3 years? Your money supports your life goals. Do you plan on continuing your education next year? Your money supports your continued education. Do you plan to eat today? Your money supports your ability to live. Your ability to plan out your finances is integral to your life plan. Make your plans detailed. What do you want and where are you going?

Planning out your finances is not easy. It takes a lot of work, but it pays off in the end! If things change, make sure to update your plan accordingly. You can't go wrong with an updated financial plan that accurately reflects what's happening in life. Make adjustments as needed!

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Pay yourself first

Where does your after-tax money go? Curtis Banks teaches the Money Smart Allocation system because it forces you to stop throwing your money out on expenses and start allocating your money on assets. It's so simple that most people will fight it at first. Limit expenses to 45% of your income and focus a minimum of 55% of your income on growing your net worth! When you put your income to work growing your net worth, you pay yourself first. Your future self will thank you for it!

Participate in Financial Education Programs

What are your ideas on how to save money? There's a chance that the ideas your co-workers have might not work for you. This is why participating in financial education programs can help with finding better ideas and strategies that suit your needs as an individual. It never hurts to learn more about money so find out what kind of financial classes or workshops may be available near you! Financial literacy, knowledge, and awareness are important skills when it comes to personal finances. You should always take advantage of any opportunity needed to improve yourself and understanding of finance. With increased knowledge comes responsibility for using this information accordingly - use these concepts wisely!

Curtis Banks teaches and mentors on how to save money, how to systematically manage your money to grow your net worth, and how to retire abundantly and stay retired in Money Smart Transformation. It's a three-step program that includes learning, implementation, and mentoring so that you can take control of your finances. If you'd like to learn more about the program schedule a discovery call with Curtis Banks today.

Take Advantage of Coupons, Discounts, and Sales When Possible

It's always a good idea to use coupons, discounts, and deals when you can. Do your research before purchasing anything because often times the best deal is not what it seems! Don't pay full price - there are plenty of ways to save. Coupons, discount codes or offers for free shipping from favorite stores like amazon prime have saved me time and money in my life.

Create a Habit of Saving Your Money and Keeping It

You can automate your money into a savings account, but you have to learn to not spend it for unintended purposes. Make a habit of saving your money and keeping it. Don't spend it for things you didn't plan on because many times emergencies happen out of the blue! Create an emergency fund that grows - this will be important in case something unexpected comes up like car repair, doctor's appointment, or even just needing to replace lost items.

Automate Contributions to Your Retirement

Take the necessary steps to ensure that your quality of life is abundant when you retire. Direct a portion of your income today to secure your livelihood in retirement. You can automatically contribute to your retirement by setting up an automatic withdrawal from a checking or savings account. The best thing you can do for yourself is start saving. The early you start, the easier it will be for you!

Avoid living below your means

It’s important to keep your expenses down but there is a point where you can become too frugal. For example, sleeping on a friend's couch to avoid paying higher living expenses can be an extreme way to save money. However, it's not a long-term solution for saving money. Living below your means can create discomfort and friction in different areas of your life. It can even make relationships with others difficult. Make sure that you're living within your means and not below your means.

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Avoid living above your means

Living comfortably is important but it should never cause cash flow problems. You should maintain a healthy cash flow each month. If you're cash flow is running in the negative, it means that you have more money going out than you have coming in. That's a sign that you are living above your means. Pay attention to your cash flow and make sure that you're living within your means.

Create an Emergency Fund That Grows

Make sure your emergency fund is keeping up with inflation. An emergency fund is a safety net for you, your family and your home. Create an emergency fund that grows so that it'll be there to help in case of emergencies like car repair or doctor's appointments. It's also important to make sure that your emergency fund matches with inflation. Living expenses were far less in the 1960s than they are today. The costs of goods have increased dramatically. Keeping up with inflation will ensure that the money stays valuable just in case you have to use this account when you need it.

Grow your net worth

Understanding how much wealth we're building each month and year is important when it comes to our financial well-being! You should take stock on what you are doing financially monthly, quarterly, and annually by reviewing the numbers and viewing where exactly your money goes - if it isn't going towards assets then adjustments need to happen. Increase understanding by tracking monthly expenses, income, savings goals, debt payoff progress, assets, liabilities, investments, and net worth.

The 10 financial rules to live by and the ideas on how to save money are not always easy, but they will help you have a better future. What do you need? I’m here for you with free resources like Curtis' Top 10 Money Smart Strategies that can make your savings grow faster. Let's work together towards a smarter financial future! Request a free copy of this list during a free wealth discovery session.

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Start Creating Wealth with Curtis Banks

Book a free discovery session with personal finance coach Curtis Banks and unlock your path to build wealth.

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You have a right to Pursue financial Success, Build generational wealth, and have financial peace and joy!

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Curtis Banks, Your Wealth Mentor™

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5 Money Smart Mindset Quotes

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5 Money Smart Mindset Quotes

5 Money Smart Mindset Quotes (Blog Banner)

by MSE Staff | Published 19 Jul 2021 (Updated 5 Nov 2021)

Sometimes inspiration and insight can reach us in the most delightful ways! Sometimes we need to hear a message several times before it all comes together. That’s why I have pulled together 5 quotes that will change the way you think about money. Read on to develop your money smart mindset.

Robert Kiyosaki quote

"You have to look for teachers. If you want to be a mechanic, go hang out with mechanics." – Robert Kiyosaki

This is some of the best advice the most people fail to apply in their finances. If you want to be good at building wealth, go hang out with people who are building wealth! Good or good?

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Warren Buffet quote

"Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago." – Warren Buffet

Generational wealth! Plant the seed of success for future generations by creating generational wealth. How are you creating generational wealth?

Curtis Banks quote

"Life experiences inspire vision, and vision inspires success." – Curtis Banks

What drives you to be successful? The answer is hidden in your past! Know what inspires you, know your vision for the future, and pursue it with passion.

Napoleon Hill quote

"You give before you get." – Napoleon Hill

The income you gain is a result of creating value for someone else. How can you provide value for others? Such a meaningful concept, right?

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Steven Covey quote

"If you keep on doing what you've been doing, you will keep on getting what you've been getting." – Steven Covey

This is another big one when it comes to finances. It’s important to keep learning and growing. Those who don’t learn are destined to keep repeating the same mistakes. Keep learning and growing.

Start Creating Wealth with Curtis Banks

Book a free discovery session with personal finance coach Curtis Banks and unlock your path to build wealth.

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You have a right to Pursue financial Success, Build generational wealth, and have financial peace and joy!

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Curtis Banks, Your Wealth Mentor™

Copyright © 2025 - Money Smart Education, LLC. All rights reserved.

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